OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Pre-Order Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 05/02/2019

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Ver precios de OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Pre-Order Bundle

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Digital Pre-order Bonus:
-Overkill Character Skins (x4)
-Overkill Knife Skin
-Overkill Flaregun Skin
-Overkill Flask Skin

OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a four player co-op action FPS where you fight the dead as well as the living in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C.

Four players form a tightly knit team; Aidan, Heather, Maya and Grant, where each character has their own skill tree, squad role, play style and background story.
Now they all share a common objective where survival.

OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead also includes the entire 2nd Season of DLC! Players will find new ways to fight for survival alongside their friends to take down walkers, traps, and new enemies. Content will be released regularly after launch, with more detail to follow with each update.

Digital Deluxe Edition Includes:
-Base game
-Night Raid Skin Pack (x4)
-Night Raid Knife Pack
-Night Raid Flask Skin
-Night Raid Flare Gun Skin
-Digital Art-book

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Pre-Order Bundle


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