OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Pre-Order Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 07/11/2018
  • Action & Adventure

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Digital Pre-order Bonus:
-Overkill Character Skins
-Overkill Knife Skin
-Overkill Flaregun Skin
-Overkill Flask

OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a four player co-op action FPS where you fight the dead as well as the living in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C.

Four players form a tightly knit team; Aidan, Heather, Maya and Grant, where each character has their own skill tree, squad role, play style and background story. Now they all share a common objective where survival and teamwork is paramount.

Digital Deluxe Edition Includes:
-Base game
-Night Raid Skin Pack
-Night Raid Knife Pack
-Night Raid Flask
-Night Raid Flare Gun Skin
-Digital Art-book

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Pre-Order Bundle


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