Dreaming Sarah

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Date de sortie : 16/08/2017
  • Action & Adventure, Platformer
  • 0.09 Go

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Inspired by the horror game Yume Nikki, Dreaming Sarah is a surreal adventure platformer game with puzzle elements, an engaging environment, an incredibly diverse cast of characters, and of course, a young girl named Sarah.

Sarah has been on an accident and is in a coma. It's up to you help her wake up by exploring her dream world while collecting items, talking to weird characters and exploring the world around her!

Key Features:
Explore different areas, like a forest, a haunted mansion and even the moon.
Collect gameplay-changing items, like an umbrella that helps Sarah glide around, a manifying glass that changes her size and a necklace that turns her into a fish.
Solve puzzles by paying attention to the scenery, taking notes and exploring the world around you.
Get up to two different endings depending on what you have found or done.
Visit old areas to find new things that appear as you progress in the game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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