HITMAN™ 2 - Free Starter Pack

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  • Games
  • Data wydania : 26/02/2019

Zobacz ceny HITMAN™ 2 - Free Starter Pack

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Gain free access to the first mission in HITMAN 2! Travel to New Zealand and join Agent 47 on his hunt for the elusive Shadow Client, only to find himself caught in a dangerous turn of events. Can you get out alive?

Get familiar with the unique replayability of HITMAN 2 by creatively experimenting, improvising, and completing all the challenges that Hawke's Bay has to offer.

Download and enjoy everything Hawke's Bay has in store for you, including:
1 Story mission
5 Location Mastery levels
40+ Challenges

Purchase the full game to continue the journey and have all of your saved game progress carry over.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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