
  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 07/04/2022
  • Platformer, Puzzle & Trivia, Family & kids
  • 0.56 Go

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Formidable puzzles. Precise navigation. Balls. Simultaneous control. A fallen king…

Control multiple colored balls simultaneously in this brain-bending puzzle platformer. It's up to you to combine every ball and complete each perilous level. Can you solve them all? Can you save King Kombine from the Kave of Kaos?

Move Simultaneously!
All balls move in unison, requiring creative problem solving and a well thought-out plan.

Combine Balls!
Merge all balls together to complete levels.

Avoid Obstacles!
Hazards abound, making for a perilous journey through each stage..

Special abilities
Different balls have special abilities, needed to traverse or overcome obstacles.

Challenging Puzzles!
Simple and accessible to pick up, but the puzzles grow more diabolical as you progress!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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