Necromunda: Hired Gun (Pre-order)

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 01/06/2021

Preis von Necromunda: Hired Gun (Pre-order) ansehen

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MTCGame 24.68 € (EUR)   24.68  


The Hunter’s Bounty pack, available with all pre-orders of Necromunda: Hired Gun! Take down marks in style, with a unique knife, stub gun, and outfit skin, as well as a new look for your mastiff’s toy.

Pick your contracts. Hunt your targets. Collect the bounty.

Navigate an ocean of crime and corruption to balance the bloody ecosystem of Necromunda as a merciless hired gun. The money’s good, the dog’s loyal, and the gun’s reliable – but can you survive the hunt? Necromunda: Hired Gun is an indie fast-paced, violent, and thrilling FPS set in the darkest reaches of Warhammer 40,000’s most infamous hive city.

For the right price, eliminate the most notorious gangers and mutants. Your armory is a sprawling arsenal. Your body is enhanced with a dozen customizable augments to run on walls and leap over chasms. Your cyber-mastiff will sniff out and kill enemies for you, while your grappling hook allows quick, agile traversal of the massive environments.

- An indie fast-paced FPS in the Warhammer 40,000 universe
- Upgrade and fight alongside your loyal cyber-mastiff
- Endless weapon and augment customisation
- Upgrade, advance, and level up as you collect bounties

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Necromunda: Hired Gun (Pre-order)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Necromunda: Hired Gun (Pre-order)


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