Pioneer Season Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 19/10/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Fighting, Other, Multi-player Online Battle Arena

Ver precios de Pioneer Season Pack

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Purchase to get the following rewards:
1. Exclusive Epic Mark of Victory: Brave Battle
2. Advanced Hidden Treasure Card: Use to unlock the Hidden Treasure of the current season. (Usable during Pioneer Season and all subsequent seasons)
3. Baize's Blessing: Use to unlock Baize's Blessing where you can claim rewards for 30 days.
4. Gold*600
5. Regular Treasure Choice Gift*10

Purchase to get the following privileges (privileges already unlocked can not be reacquired):
Privilege Overview:
· Ranked Mode can be unlocked at Lv.20
· Public Chat can be unlocked at Lv.5
· Hero Coin can be redeemed without amount limit
· Can create Custom Rooms

(Source :

Pioneer Season Pack es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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