
  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 11/08/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Fighting, Platformer
  • 5.01 Go

Ver preços de Rumbleverse

Este jogo não foi atualizado desde 96h atrás. Uma atualização de preço está em andamento
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Live services for Rumbleverse will be turned off on Tuesday, February 28, at 10AM CST when Season Two concludes. After this time, the game will not be playable and any purchased in-game content will no longer be accessible. For information, including about refunds, visit www.rumbleverse.com.

The EXPANDED map introduces Low Key Key Island, your tropical invitation to kick back with a good fight. Prepare for melee in the marina as you swing from signposts and jump from one boat to the next to dodge the deadly seas!

Master new ways to fight by cracking open new magazines to learn new power moves like Jagged Edge!

Every match is a chance to become a champion. Rank up and earn new gear to show off your Rumbler’s unique style! Season 2 is also a time to make new friends with limited-time modes that let you team up with even more Rumblers.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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