Ak si kúpite hru s darčekovou kartou, prosím použite svoj prehliadač a choďte cez moju stránku.
Dostanem malú províziu, ktorá mi pomôže platiť za server, atď…
Veľmi mi to pomôže a vás to nebude nič stáť. Dakujem!
Contains two uniforms, three coats for your back, two berets, two caps, and dye:
• HYDRATH uniform costume
• Dyeable HYDRATH uniform costume
• HYDRATH-Blue Coat accessory (worn on the back)
• HYDRATH-Black Coat accessory (worn on the back)
• HYDRATH-Red Coat accessory (worn on the back)
• HYDRATH-Red Beret
• HYDRATH-Black Beret
• HYDRATH-Blue Cap
• HYDRATH-Black Cap
• Apothecary Dye (make it your choice of color)
The costumes and accessories in this pack are each usable by only one character.