Mikasa & Armin "Plain clothes" Outfit Early Release

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Date de sortie : 20/03/2018
  • Action & Adventure
  • 0.01 Go

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Mikasa and Armin's "Plain Clothes Outfits" are released early.

Mikasa and Armin will be available for use, and can change into their "Plain Clothes Outfits" from the Daily Life sections in "Story Mode" or in "Another Mode".

▼How to use
You can access the new costume by either of the following:
1. Select "Another Mode" on the main menu, and then select the character.
Change into the new costume by pressing the A button when you are near the tent on the field.
2. Select "Story Mode" on the main menu, and then approach the character in the Daily Life section.
Change into the new costume by pressing the B button when you are near the character.


(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Mikasa & Armin "Plain clothes" Outfit Early Release est un DLC qui fonctionne sur ces jeux


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