Trials Fusion Season Pass

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Date de sortie : 16/04/2014
  • Racing & Flying
  • 0.01 Go

Voir les prix de Trials Fusion Season Pass

Ce jeu n'a pas été actualisé il y a plus de 96h . Une actualisation des prix est en cours.
Ce jeu est uniquement disponible dans une offre groupée


Want to go beyond the unlimited fun of Trials Fusion? The season pass is made for you!
Add some craziness to your game through additional content! The Season Pass provides you 1 year of additional content and includes 6 DLCs before May 2015. Get the Season Pass to receive all 6 DLCs, featuring new tracks, new bike parts, rider gear, and new items for the track editor, and each DLC will let you enjoy a new Career Mode Event.
On top of this, the Season Pass also includes one exclusive item: the Crater Hazmat suit! Stand out in the Trials Fusion universe and get the respect of your peers with this new and exclusive skin for your rider.
Please note: If you purchase the Season Pass, do not also purchase the standalone DLC Packs, as you will be charged for them.
Last of the 6 DLC Packs expected to be available before 1st May 2015.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Offres groupées contenant ce jeu

Trials Fusion Season Pass est disponible dans ces offres groupées


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