Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Deň vydania : 26/01/2016
  • Shooter
  • 5.72 Go

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Zobraziť ceny Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway

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  • EA Access : -10%

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Once you have the loot, you need to get away with it.
Battlefield Hardline: Getaway is the third of four expansion packs included in Battlefield Hardline Premium, and available as a standalone purchase. Getaway introduces 4 new vehicle-focused maps, including Double Cross, Pacific Highway, Train Dodge, and Diversion, and the new Capture the Bag mode. Compete in competitive matches with the new Super Feature, all while using one of the 4 new vehicles (Performance Sedan, Import Tuner, Luxury Coupe, Limo), 4 new weapons, the Fire Axe melee weapon, the RF Jammer gadget, and 4 new weapon camos.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway je DLC ktoré funguje s týmito hrami

Balíčky obsahujúce túto položku

Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway je dostupné v týchto balíčkoch


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