Black Desert - Ultimate Edition

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  • Deň vydania : 30/12/9998

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The continent of Valencia has opened! Explore and survive the harsh deserts, defeat barbaric tribes and unlock the secrets of the Black Desert.

Black Desert is a revolutionary MMORPG that delivers intense fast-paced combat, deep and interesting life skills all rolled into an expansive open world setting. Exploring the world of Black Desert will unlock the mysteries of the Black Stones, encounter demons and monsters, and allow you to fulfill a life filled with fishing, trading, horse training and so much more!

The Black Desert Ultimate Edition digital bundle includes the full Black Desert game, Signature Classic Set, a 90-day Value Pack, a Snow Wolfdog Pet, a Junaid Cat pet, a Tier 5 Horse(Random), the Calpehon Charger's Horse Gear set, the Bell Ephoc Wagon Set, 10 XP scrolls for Combat, Skill and Life Skills, Horse Whistle, Storage Maid, and 3000 Pearls to use in game.

Team up with other players to take down the Lord of Corruption!

IMPORTANT: The item packages included in the bundles will only be sent to the server that corresponds to the region where the product is purchased.

- Join over 10 Million Registered Users in Black Desert
- The 10 Best MMOs of 2017 - MMORPG.com
- 2016 Best new MMORPG - MMORPG.com

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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