Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition

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  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 02/12/2015

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Show your strength with this Ultimate Edition. Includes the full game and all four customization DLC packs. Besiege castles and raid villages in this 24 player online experience. Trade in your guns and grenades to test your mettle on the medieval battlefield.

• Full game includes over 25 battlefields, up to 24 player online multiplayer, and an all new Horde Mode.
• Includes the following DLC Packs: Inquisitive Dreadnaught Bundle, Marauding Arbiter Pack, Barbarian Weapon Pack, and Barbarian Character Pack.
• Deep melee combat system allows you to wield an arsenal of 60+ brutal weapons ranging from broad swords to longbows.
• Switch between the intense combat of first-person to the tactical view of third-person anytime during battle.
• Team tactics and strategy bring players together to batter down gates and assassinate enemy royalty to achieve victory.
• Use a variety of siege weapons ranging from catapults, boiling oil, ballista, battering rams and more.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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