DayZ Livonia Edition

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  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 03/12/2019

Zobraziť ceny DayZ Livonia Edition

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DayZ is a hardcore survival game where players must strive to endure a post-apocalyptic world populated by frenzied infected and other survivors. This bundle includes the main game – set on the original map of Chernarus – and the new Livonia DLC, which includes a whole new terrain.

DayZ Chernarus – The iconic DayZ terrain, set in the post-soviet state of Chernarus and encompassing 230 km2 of hand-crafted environment based on real life locations.

DayZ Livonia DLC – The brand-new 163 km2 map lets players experience the hardcore survival hit in a whole new environment. Players can put their survival skills to the test by venturing into the unfamiliar land of Livonia, and seeing just how long they can last in this deadlier-than-ever world.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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