Hunter Layered Armor Set: Feudal Soldier

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Deň vydania : 28/02/2025
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 0.01 Go

Zobraziť ceny Hunter Layered Armor Set: Feudal Soldier

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The following content is included:

●Hunter Layered Armor : Feudal Soldier Helm
●Hunter Layered Armor : Feudal Soldier Plate
●Hunter Layered Armor : Feudal Soldier Gauntlets
●Hunter Layered Armor : Feudal Soldier Tassets
●Hunter Layered Armor : Feudal Soldier Greaves

A layered armor in the image of an armored warrior. Wear it and you may just feel like a Sengoku warlord!
Enjoy the hunting life while equipped with a special hunter layered armor!

*This item changes the appearance of your hunter. It does not affect stats or abilities. A weapon is not included.
*This content can be used from the "Appearance Menu" in the tent.

*This product is also available as part of a set. Please be careful of duplicate transactions.
*You may need to update to the latest version of the game to use this content.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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