1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 12/02/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Fighting, Other, Multi-player Online Battle Arena
  • 1.50 Go

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Zobraziť ceny Hyper Jam

Hra bola aktualizovaná pred 96h ago . Prebieha aktualizácia cien.
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Cenová história

Cena (EUR)



Hyper Jam is a neon-soaked arena brawler with a dynamic perk drafting system that makes each match different from the last.

The hard-hitting fusion of lethal weapons, stackable perks, furious combat, and a killer synthwave soundtrack makes Hyper Jam a multiplayer experience that'll keep you coming back for more.

- Furious Combat -
Hyper Jam features fast-paced multiplayer arena gameplay for 2-4 players. Annihilate your opponents round after round using katanas, rocket launchers, sledgehammers, and more.

- Perk Drafting -
After every round, players choose new perks that stay with them for the rest of the game, stacking and combining with their existing ones to create more powerful effects. A wide pool of distinctive perks ensures no two games are ever the same.

- Local and Online Multiplayer -
Grab some controllers and take on your friends at home, or test your skills against the rest of the world in public or private online matches. Cross-platform matchmaking means there are even more challengers for you to face!

- '80s Aesthetic -
Play as a strong selection of '80s-inspired characters on a variety of beautiful and dangerous arenas, ranging from a sundrenched Miami hotel rooftop to a gritty Neo-Tokyo subway.

- Killer Synthwave Soundtrack -
An addictive soundtrack featuring Carpenter Brut, Dance With The Dead, Meteor and more will keep hearts racing as you blow each other to bits.

- AI Bots -
Hone your skills against AI bots before taking the fight online. Customise bot difficulty, game rules and more to create your own challenge.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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