1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Deň vydania : 18/05/2016
  • Fighting
  • 0.01 Go

Zobraziť ceny Mira

Hra bola aktualizovaná pred 96h ago . Prebieha aktualizácia cien.
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Presumed dead when she and her sister Maya attacked a vampire coven, Mira was captured by the coven and infected. Embracing their dark gift and bolstered by their arts, she returns to the surface world to shepherd in Gargos’ return. Wielding destructive powers so immense they risk destroying her, she must feed on opponents’ life energy in order to survive… even if that includes her own sister!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Mira je DLC ktoré funguje s týmito hrami


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