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  • Deň vydania : 23/09/2021

Zobraziť ceny Diablo® Prime Evil Upgrade

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The Diablo Prime Evil Upgrade is for existing owners of Diablo III: Eternal Collection and includes:
- Diablo II: Resurrected game
- Diablo III: Hatred’s Grasp Wings DLC
- Diablo III: Mephisto Pet DLC

Fight the denizens of the Burning Hells in style and be the envy of your party wherever you go.

Diablo II: Resurrected is the definitive remastering of Diablo II and its Lord of Destruction expansion—two hallmark entries in Blizzard Entertainment’s genre-defining action role-playing series. Veteran players, as well as those who missed out when the original game was first released on PC twenty years ago, can now experience Diablo II’s timeless gameplay with modern visuals and audio that take advantage of today’s gaming hardware.

Ascend the Forgotten Tower, blaze a trail through the jungles of Kurast, and storm the gates of Hell to defeat Diablo himself. Then, scale the peak of Mount Arreat to face Baal, the Lord of Destruction, in Worldstone Keep.

Seven of Sanctuary’s greatest champions await at the iconic campfire screen—the Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress. Each is highly customizable with countless build and gear options for players to explore.

Diablo II: Resurrected can be played as a solo experience, or grab some friends and enjoy up to 8-player online multiplayer co-op. Then blow off some steam and claim a few ears by engaging in thrilling PvP duels outside of town.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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