NBA 2K18 Legend Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 19/09/2017

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Zobraziť ceny NBA 2K18 Legend Edition

Ak si kúpite hru s darčekovou kartou, prosím použite svoj prehliadač a choďte cez moju stránku.
Dostanem malú províziu, ktorá mi pomôže platiť za server, atď…
Veľmi mi to pomôže a vás to nebude nič stáť. Dakujem!


NOTE: All multiplayer servers for NBA 2K18 will be shutdown as of 12/31/2019. After that time, all game functions requiring online servers will no longer function.

The future of sports career modes has arrived, allowing you to play the game the way you like. Build your career in NBA games, hit the courts in The Playground, join the Pro-Am circuit, or explore an all-new open neighborhood setting.

Road to 99
A unified badge system across Pro-Am, Park, and MyCAREER, with attributes, animations, and badges all defining your play style on your road to a 99 rating.

Collect cards featuring NBA legends from yesterday and today, and compete in a variety of modes.

Motion System
The new motion system dynamically creates animations to deliver the best gameplay experience possible.

All-Time Teams
The greatest players in NBA history from all 30 teams, together on All-Time franchise rosters for the very first time.

Classic Teams
Play with 62 of the NBA’s greatest teams from the past.

The Legend Edition includes the following digital items:
- 100,000 VC
- 20 MyTEAM Packs (delivered one a week)
- Shaq digital items for your MyPLAYER
- And more!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Zoznam DLC dostupných pre NBA 2K18 Legend Edition

V tomto balíku

Zoznam vecí zahrnutých v NBA 2K18 Legend Edition


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