ONE PIECE World Seeker Pre-Order Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 15/03/2019

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Zobraziť ceny ONE PIECE World Seeker Pre-Order Bundle

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Pre-Order this edition and get the following content:
• Bathing Suit Outfit
• Battle Outfit
• Island Exploration Mission

Leave your compass behind and join Luffy as he embarks on a brand new action-packed adventure where you can experience the powers of the legendary Gum-Gum fruit to uncover hidden secrets on an original, never-before-seen island! Time to set sail!

Dynamic Gum-Gum Action
• Take control of Monkey D. Luffy and explore the vast areas of this all-new island as you try to uncover its hidden secrets.

• Experience an Original Story
The Straw Hat Pirates arrive on a mysterious island known only as "Prison Island" and they're soon caught up in a dramatic story full of twists and turns. Includes original characters designed by Eiichiro Oda himself!

• Fierce Battles Between Popular Characters
Face off against some of Luffy's well-known enemies from the ONE PIECE series. Use his Gum-Gum Fruit powers and powerful Haki abilities to take them down!

(Source :

Zoznam DLC dostupných pre ONE PIECE World Seeker Pre-Order Bundle

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