Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Trial Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 25/11/2016

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myClub mode has been added to this title from Feb 2017!
The much-awaited Free-to-Play version of [Pro Evolution Soccer 2017] is now available!
Play the brand-new online mode [PES LEAGUE] and compete to be crowned league champions and for a chance at cup glory in limited-time-only competitions, as well as [EXHIBITION MATCH] and [TRAINING] modes.

*Other modes such as [Master League] are only playable in the full version of [Pro Evolution Soccer 2017].
*Playable teams may be limited in some modes.
*In PES LEAGUE mode, the number of matches you can play is limited.
*You can be paired with other opponents playing PES LEAGUE mode in the full version of [Pro Evolution Soccer 2017].
*Save data cannot be carried over from the other titles.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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