Project CARS - Stanceworks Track Expansion

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Deň vydania : 29/01/2016
  • Racing & Flying
  • 0.01 Go

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The X-Bow is motorcycle specialist’s KTM first ever car creation as the Austrian company has entered the sports car market with an innovative no-frills roadster.

MX-5 RadBul Formula Drift

Formula Drift Racing star “Mad” Mike Whiddett has gained a reputation for building some of the most extreme drifting machinery on this planet and his newest project is undoubtedly the most spectacular – The MX-5 RadBul Formula Drift.

BMW 1-Series M-Coupé Stanceworks Edition

Inspired by the BMW experts over at Stanceworks, the 1-Series M-Coupé Stanceworks Edition is a special edition of BMW’s popular 1-Series road car already available in Project CARS.

BMW 2002 Turbo Stanceworks Edition

Stanceworks have also created a special version of a true BMW classic, as Project CARS users can exclusively enjoy the BMW 2002 Turbo Stanceworks edition.


Over 4.5 miles long, this new road course situated in the highlands of Scotland takes drivers through the village of Bannochbrae

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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