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  • Deň vydania : 25/10/2024

Zobraziť ceny SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Digital Deluxe Edition

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MTCGame 49.04 € (EUR)   49.04  


Pre-order SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS and receive a legacy skin for Sonic, based on his look from Sonic Adventure!

Pre-order the SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Digital Deluxe Edition and play the game 3 days early!

Purchase the SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Digital Deluxe Edition and receive additional iconic music tracks from previous Sonic and Shadow games, a Terios skin based on Shadow’s original concept, behind-the-scenes art, the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Pack featuring the voice of Keanu Reeves, and more!

It includes:
• Base Game
• Digital Deluxe Season Pass:
o Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Pack (releasing December 12, 2024)
o Terios Skin
o Extra BGM Pack
o Digital Art Book + Soundtrack
o Skill Points (Sonic Generations)

Shadow the Hedgehog is back with Classic and Modern Sonic in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences!

Play as Shadow in a brand-new story campaign featuring never-before-seen abilities that prove why he’s known as the Ultimate Life Form! Speed through iconic stages from Shadow’s history, discover hidden secrets in an expansive hub world, and unlock new powers to take on Black Doom and save the world.

SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS also includes a complete remaster of the highly acclaimed SONIC GENERATIONS, a time-traveling adventure featuring a greatest-hits collection of 3D and 2D Sonic stages, now with upgraded visuals and new bonus content.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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