Skyforge: Unlocked Edition Bundle

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  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 22/12/2017

Zobraziť ceny Skyforge: Unlocked Edition Bundle

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Play Skyforge for free – Become immortal and repel the invaders!

With the Unlocked Edition Bundle you will enter the world of Skyforge with the full might of 15 unlocked and playable classes at your fingertups. Choose and level up your favourite classes and swap between them on the go, depending on your mood or the current game situation!

This bundle contains:
- Skyforge game
- Immediate Access to all 15 Skyforge classes: *
- Cryomancer **
- Paladin **
- Lightbinder **
- Alchemist
- Archer
- Berserker
- Gunner
- Kinetic
- Knight
- Monk
- Necromancer
- Outlaw
- Revenant
- Slayer
- Warlock/Witch

Use the dynamic action combat system to dodge enemy attacks, perform powerful combos, and vanquish your foes with devastating finishing attacks. Explore a universe full of content to fight through and explore – Skyforge offers dozens of hours of adventures for all types of MMO players in various missions, dungeons, raids and PvP battles. Rise as the protector of Aelion, become a god and unleash your might on the invading forces that try to overthrow your home palent.

*Classes can only be unlocked once per account. No additional compensation is provided if a class is already unlocked on your account.
**Base classes are included as part of the Skyforge game

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Zoznam DLC dostupných pre Skyforge: Unlocked Edition Bundle


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