The Settlers®: New Allies - Starter Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Deň vydania : 21/06/2023
  • Strategy

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The Starter Pack of The Settlers: New Allies includes an exclusive set of Legendary skins, plus 2,670 Credits that can be used to unlock in-game content and more!

Starter Pack includes in-game currency and exclusive content:
- 2,670 Credits
- 1x 7-Day Booster (boost in-game currency)
- 1x Golden Elari Decoy Skin
- 1x Golden Maru Decoy Skin
- 1x Golden Jorn Decoy Skin
- 1x Gold Rush Emblem
- 1x "The New Hope" Legendary Title

(Source :

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The Settlers®: New Allies - Starter Pack je dostupné v týchto balíčkoch


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