Train Sim World® 2: Arosalinie: Chur - Arosa (Train Sim World® 3 Compatible)

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  • Deň vydania : 06/09/2022
  • Other, Simulation
  • 3.89 Go

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Zobraziť ceny Train Sim World® 2: Arosalinie: Chur - Arosa (Train Sim World® 3 Compatible)

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Please note: Train Sim World 3 is required, as a separate purchase, in order to utilise this content. Features remain unchanged from the original Train Sim World 2 release. Livery Designer and Scenario Planner compatible. Share your creations with the Creators Club.
Experience nail-biting gradients, stunning Swiss scenery, and classic motive power with Rivet Games’ Train Sim World 2: Arosalinie!
From Chur, the oldest town in Switzerland, to the summer and winter resorts at Arosa, the Arosa Linie dates back to 1914 and represents the ultimate in rail engineering. With the use of numerous hairpin turns and mountainside tunnels, this electrified, metre gauge railway line winds its way through the picturesque Schanfigg valley and offers vital connections for locals, is used to transport resources, and is popular with tourists.
Take control of the classic RhB Ge 4/4 II electric locomotive, manage your speed and stick the timetable as you climb or descend over a kilometre in elevation, slowly drive through the streets of Chur and marvel at the grand Langwieser Viaduct.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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