Tribes of Midgard Deluxe Content

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Deň vydania : 16/08/2022
  • Action & Adventure

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Zobraziť ceny Tribes of Midgard Deluxe Content

Hra bola aktualizovaná pred 96h ago . Prebieha aktualizácia cien.

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Cenová história

Cena (EUR)
Jan 2023
Jul 2023
Jan 2024
Jul 2024
Jan 2025


Adventure through Midgard with style and a pair of furry companions at your side. Dress to impress with the Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic set - which includes a full set of armor, sword and shield. Never explore alone! Mániklo and Sóleyra will keep you company on your adventures to save the realm.

Sóleyra Pet
Mániklo Pet
Sóleyra + Mániklo Pet
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Helmet
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Chestplate
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Leggings
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Gauntlets
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Boots
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Sword
Lunar Valkyrie Cosmetic Shield

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Tribes of Midgard Deluxe Content je DLC ktoré funguje s týmito hrami

Balíčky obsahujúce túto položku

Tribes of Midgard Deluxe Content je dostupné v týchto balíčkoch


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