War Thunder - Black Shark Pack

  1. Games
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  • Deň vydania : 29/10/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

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This pack includes:

Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Rank 6, USSR);
2000 Golden Eagles;
Premium account for 15 days;

The legendary Ka-50 “Black Shark” is one of the most powerful helicopters developed by the USSR, designed throughout the 1980s and accepted into service in 1995.

Much like its namesake, the Ka-50 is armed to the teeth. It features a 30 mm 2A42 autocannon with a full APDS belt to cut through the roofs of enemy tanks, along with a heap of extra weaponry. Alongside unguided rockets and bombs, you can equip twelve 9K127 Vikhr guided missiles — these are accurate beam-riding missiles that can cut through 800mm of tank armor! You can even equip four extra double-barreled 23 mm gun pods and 9M39 Igla air-to-air missiles to take down enemy aircraft. Despite its large size, the unique rotor design allows the Ka-50 to maintain agility in combat, and extra chaff and flares will help keep you safer still.

The Black Shark is a powerful helicopter in every respect, fielding efficient anti-tank and anti-air weaponry fit for every situation.

• Helicopters have their own research tree, however they use the aviation crew skills.
• In the Events menu there are special Helicopter battles and Tank Simulator Battles available. You can't use helicopters in any Air gamemodes.
• In Tank Realistic battles you have to earn spawn points with ground vehicle first in order to use a helicopter with ATGMs from your line-up. Helicopters with unguided weaponry can be spawned in the beginning of the match.
• In Tank Arcade battles, random helicopters are used in kill-streaks in high-BR matches. You will not earn research progress towards helicopters while using a streak.

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes furnished with all available modifications.

With a Premium account (also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles) you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions during each battle for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

War Thunder - Black Shark Pack je DLC ktoré funguje s týmito hrami


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