War Thunder - "Snake Charmer" Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 29/01/2025

Zobraziť ceny War Thunder - "Snake Charmer" Bundle

Hra bola aktualizovaná pred 96h ago . Prebieha aktualizácia cien.
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This pack includes:

Type 96A Prototype Pack;
A-5C Pack.

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions and comes furnished with all available modifications.

With a Premium account (also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles) you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions in battles for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles!

Note! Compensation is not provided if you purchase 2 different packs which include the same vehicle or you already have the vehicle from this pack!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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