World of Tanks Modern Armor - Volusad Thassius

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Deň vydania : 11/02/2025

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None can rival the discipline and courage of the Ultramarines. Harness their legendary prowess with Volusad Thassius in command of your tank!

Bundle includes:
• Volusad Thassius 3D Hero Commander
• Volusad Thassius 2D Standard Commander
• Emblems: Insignia of the Ultramarines (3)
• Emblems: Icon of the Ultramarines Emblem (3)
• Inscriptions: Courage and Honour Inscription (3)

3D Hero Commanders start with three open Skill slots and earn Commander XP at a +30% bonus rate.

2D Standard Commanders start with one open Skill slot and earn Commander XP at the standard rate.

Emblems and Inscriptions can be applied to any vehicle that can use Cosmetics.

2025 Games Workshop Ltd

(Source :

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