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  • Release date : 25/03/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Other, Racing & Flying
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- Unique armoured car: “Trapper”;
- Cabin of epic rarity: “Ghost”;
- Minelayer of epic rarity: “Kapkan”;
- Unique character portrait “Barghest”;
- Unique paint can;
- A set of stickers;
- Unique hubcap with a hologram;
- 2650 in-game coins;
- Increases the maximum number of parts used to 55.

The legendary mercenary Wolfhound has stopped contacting his customers a long time ago. Of course, many thought that the Valley had ruined him, but in fact it was a man who tried to do so. Which is not surprising, considering how many enemies a hired killer can have. One night, when Wolfhound arrived at a routine meeting with his client, the mercenary was ambushed. The abandoned plant, where the meeting was supposed to take place, was turned into a pile of rubble and dust, but the vigilantes could not find Wolfhound’s body in it. They couldn’t find his car either. The mercenary’s enemies celebrated their victory and went on with their lives, forgetting about Wolfhound like a bad dream. But a few years later, one of the vigilantes fell into a familiar snare, and seconds later all that was left of his armored car was a flaming pile of metal. One by one, those who had once tried to destroy the mercenary began to die under similar circumstances, and all of them met the same unfortunate end. Wolfhound has returned, but he stopped killing for money. Now all those who had once used his services started to die. The rumors about the emergence of a terrifying ghost named Barghest started to spread around the Valley. People just couldn’t believe that the mercenary could have survived that attempt on his life, and decided that he had really become a ghost. A far more dangerous and terrifying ghost than Wolfhound himself had been.

The unique armoured car presented in the pack is known for its balance of weapons, combination of modules and speed in combat. To put the car in the garage, go to the “Packs” tab, select the desired armoured car and click the “Assemble” button.

When you purchase this pack, the number of parts that can be used to build a vehicle increases to 55. Attention! Storage overflow is possible under certain conditions.

Buying the pack also gives early access to several structural parts. Some parts are unique and can only exist in a single copy.

Unique portraits provide an excellent opportunity to stand out among the survivors.

Paint cans are a way to make your armored car different from the pack.

Coins — is the in-game currency, which is used on the market to purchase armoured car parts from other survivors and to pay for the rent of part-building workbenches. Attention! When buying multiple packs, the acquired coins stack!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Crossout — Barghest is a DLC that works on these games


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