Crossout - "The inventor" Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 19/09/2017
  • Racing & Flying

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Unique armored vehicle on hovers "DeLirium TMS";
Weapons - Two plasma emitters "Synthesis".
Unique hovers Icarus IV
Unique hero portrait: "Lloyd";
Cabin: Quantum of epic rarity
Unique paint cans: Red Moon, White Sun;
Increases the maximum number of parts used to 60;
4200 in-game coins.

One of the few gadgeteers who managed to survive the tests of their own inventions. But the flare-up of genius still decently roasted his brains and made his already unbearable personality even worse.

And he has friends to match too: he has earned the respect not only of a group of radical Nomads and a Lunatic chieftain, but also of several particularly dangerous raiders. With one of these, they assembled a car that Raven dismantled one of his sports cars for. And Lloyd gave it the ability to fly.

Only with the Dawn Children did Lloyd fail. They say that they borrowed several of his inventions and did not share. So now Lloyd is trying to build a time machine to punish them before they hurt him. Funny guy.

Unique hovers Icarus IV.
An early prototype of a compact jet engine for vertical takeoff, also known as a hover. The first modification not to explode at high revs. Well, not every time.
Each mounted hover reduces engine power.

Unique armored vehicles presented in packs, are particularly well-balanced in their weapons, armor quality and speed in combat. To put the car in the garage, launch the game, open the blueprints menu (B key ), go to the "Packs" tab, select the required armored car and click the "Load" button.

When you buy this pack, the number of parts that can be used to create the vehicles increases to 55.

Also, the purchase of the pack gives the player early access to some structural details of the factions. These parts become available immediately upon purchase and are not re-issued once the appropriate reputation level is reached. Some parts are unique, and there can't be more than one of them. When purchasing multiple packs, such items are not duplicated.

Unique portraits are a great opportunity to stand out among the survivors.

Paint cans are a great chance to highlight your armored vehicle.

Coins are an in-game currency, that is used in the market for purchasing armored vehicle parts from other users and for paying rent for the part-producing faction workshops. Attention! When purchasing multiple packs, the coins stack!

Attention! Available only for Windows.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Crossout - "The inventor" Bundle is a DLC that works on these games


List of items included in Crossout - "The inventor" Bundle


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