Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 24/09/2024
  • Fighting

See prices of Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion

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Pre-order now and receive 4 additional skins at launch:

Wedding Scorpion
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Sub-Zero
Empress Mileena
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Noob Saibot

A New Reign of Khaos unfolds in Liu Kang's Era. This pack includes the upcoming Story Expansion + Kombat Pack 2*.

Available at Launch:
Noob Saibot

Available Post-Launch (includes 1 week early access):
Ghostface (Scream Franchise)
T-1000 (Terminator 2)
Conan the Barbarian

*Separate Kombat Pack 2 character bundle not available

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion is a DLC that works on these games


List of items included in Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion


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