NTBSS: Moonlight Scroll x15 - 15-Million User Celebration

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Release date : 16/01/2024
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena

See prices of NTBSS: Moonlight Scroll x15 - 15-Million User Celebration

This game hasn't been updated than 96h ago. A price update is in progress


To celebrate reaching the 15 million user milestone, we're releasing this Moonlight Scroll x15 pack!

- 15 Moonlight Scrolls

Moonlight Scrolls can be used to obtain different customization items for your avatar, including costumes, weapons, and Ninja Tools! As with other games in the series, scrolls can be unsealed by appraising them at the Ninja Tools Shop.

*This DLC is only purchasable once per account.
*When appraising these scrolls, you can receive items equal in rarity to the Esoteric Scrolls you get in the game.
*After downloading this content, you can receive in-game items by appraising your Moonlight Scrolls at the Ninja Tools Shop.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


NTBSS: Moonlight Scroll x15 - 15-Million User Celebration is available in these bundles


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