Pack Antics Series 2 Bundle Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 19/08/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Strategy

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This bundle pack includes all 6 Pack Antics series 2 skins at a discount! Note: This bundle does not unlock the champion Reya. She must be unlocked via the Descent into Avernus campaign.

Skins are alternate looks for your Champions that you can swap in and out whenever you want!

Feats are small, Champion-specific buffs that can be unlocked and assigned to your Champions. They offer an additional level of customization for your favorite Champions — and may even provide some new formation opportunities!

In this pack:

Polymorphed Makos Skin
An Epic Feat for Makos
7 Gold Supply Chests
1 Potion of Polish

Polymorphed Reya Skin
An Epic Feat for Reya
7 Gold Supply Chests
1 Potion of Polish

Polymorphed Nayeli Skin
An Epic Feat for Nayeli
7 Gold Supply Chests
1 Potion of Polish

Unlocks the Champion Krydle (if you don't already own them)
Polymorphed Krydle Skin
An Epic Feat for Krydle
7 Gold Krydle Chests
1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card

Unlocks the Champion Shandie (if you don't already own them)
Polymorphed Shandie Skin
An Epic Feat for Shandie
7 Gold Shandie Chests
1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card

Polymorphed Tyril Skin
An Epic Feat for Tyril
7 Gold Supply Chests
1 Potion of Polish

(Source :

Pack Antics Series 2 Bundle Pack is a DLC that works on these games


List of items included in Pack Antics Series 2 Bundle Pack


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