Ship of Fools - Aquapocalypse Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 01/12/2023

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Man the cannons! The Ship of Fools Aquapocalypse Edition is here! Embark on a seafaring cooperative roguelite where you'll navigate treacherous seas and defend your home from the coming Aquapocalypse. Blast your way through your foes and uncover powerful trinkets and artifacts to help you with your quest. Are you fool enough to stop the Aquapocalypse?

The Aquapocalypse Edition includes:

-Sea of Fools Game
-The Deep Sea Duo DLC: New Fools have bubbled up from the crushing depths. Expand your crew choices with the Deep Sea Duo.
-The Water Garden Duo DLC: New Fools have emerged from the ponds. The Water Garden duo is ready to join your crew.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste des DLC disponible pour Ship of Fools - Aquapocalypse Edition


List of items included in Ship of Fools - Aquapocalypse Edition


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