Skyforge: 11750 Argents

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Release date : 10/11/2017
  • Role Playing

See prices of Skyforge: 11750 Argents

This game hasn't been updated than 96h ago. A price update is in progress
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Contains 11750 Argents. Argents are a game currency, that you can use for different purposes. You can spend them on the in-game Market, where you can purchase cool costumes, amazing mounts, helpful consumables and more. You can also invest them in promotions that will unlock even more exciting rewards. You can also exchange Argents for Credits, which are used for a variety of purposes that will help you strengthen your character.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste des DLC disponible pour Skyforge: 11750 Argents

Skyforge: 11750 Argents is a DLC that works on these games


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