Kitava Supporter Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • 发布数据 : 24/08/2017
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing

查看Kitava Supporter Pack字的价格

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The Kitava Supporter Pack contains five Armour Sets, five Cloaks, six Weapon Effects and 4000 Points.

Supporter Packs grant you exclusive effects and plenty of Points to spend on other cosmetic effects. This pack is only available during The Fall of Oriath.

The Kitava Supporter Pack contains:
- 4000 Points
- Kitava Armour Set
- Beast Armour Set
- Eclipse Armour Set
- Legion Armour Set
- Outlaw Armour Set
- Kitava Cloak
- Beast Cloak
- Eclipse Cloak
- Legion Cloak
- Outlaw Cloak
- Kitava Weapon Effect
- Beast Weapon Effect
- Eclipse Weapon Effect
- Legion Weapon Effect
- Outlaw Weapon Effect
- Oriath Weapon Effect
- Kitava Supporter Social Frame
- Beast Supporter Social Frame
- Eclipse Supporter Social Frame
- Legion Supporter Social Frame
- Outlaw Supporter Social Frame
- Oriath Supporter Social Frame
- Kitava Supporter Forum Title
- Beast Supporter Forum Title
- Eclipse Supporter Forum Title
- Legion Supporter Forum Title
- Outlaw Supporter Forum Title
- Oriath Supporter Forum Title

(Source :

Kitava Supporter Pack字是这些游戏的一个DLC

