Sword Coast Legends™

  1. Games
  • Games
  • 发布数据 : 19/07/2016
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 14.67 Go

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Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience.

Bringing the roleplaying dynamic between players and Dungeon Masters to life with DM Mode, a real-time experience in which Dungeon Masters guide players through unique customizable adventures.

Game Features:
• Choose from five playable races and six unique character classes to build your own stalwart adventurer
• A return to form, Sword Coast Legends is the compelling and complex RPG you've been waiting for and features pause time, party-based tactical combat and involving storylines
• Dungeon Master Mode: Quickly create adventures to share with your friends, and even enhance other players’ experiences in real time as the Dungeon Master.
• Set in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe based on the fifth edition ruleset and populated with Dungeons & Dragons lore and legend

Additional System Requirements: Minimum upstream bandwidth of 1 Mbps is required to access all features.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

