Xbox Gift Card Lock – Overview 27/03/2019

Since 26/03/2019, we can no longer add a gift card to our Xbox account, whether via PC, smartphone, or console! We have an error message!

This restriction applies only to Turkish and Argentine stores.

Microsoft has indeed put a security and a block according to your location….



What are the solutions?

– Either you buy on the other stores (US, Brazil, etc.) which are still interesting!
– Either you can use a VPN to add your gift card!

Indeed, by using a VPN, the blocking disappears because Microsoft is based on your location.


A VPN allows you to make Microsoft believe you are in another country when you add your gift card


I advise you to deactivate your VPN once your gift cards have been added to your xbox account. You no longer need a VPN to use your balance 😉



The problem is that a VPN is often not free… I recommend this VPN which works very well:



Here is a video tutorial for NordVPN :


That’s it, it’s a pity that Microsoft is holding us back more and more in the purchase of foreign stores : -(

I’m waiting for your feedback, and if you try in other stores tell me if it works or not without VPN! 🙂

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