100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Might of the Slither Lords DLC

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/08/2019

Preis von 100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Might of the Slither Lords DLC ansehen

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Get the new $15 Might of the Slither Lords DLC at a -100% Discount!
Minion Masters is free to play, and for just this week you can get the DLC as well.

It’ll kickstart your Slither Lord collection of evil Serpent Gods for the big new expansion where you battle the Scrat Wreckinator 9000!

3x Musketeer (Legendary)
5x Harbinger (Supreme)
20x Rabid Prowler
40x Daggerfall
40x Slitherbound
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Slither Avatar - Animated!
1x exclusive Legendary Slither Emote - Animated!

After our recent launch reaching nearly 200,000 Xbox players and more than a million on other platforms, we’re excited to see you join us and show us your unique strategy!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach 100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Might of the Slither Lords DLC

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in 100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Might of the Slither Lords DLC


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