100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Mountain Song DLC

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/12/2023

Preis von 100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Mountain Song DLC ansehen

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The Mountain Song DLC is a great +300% value bundle to empower your clan of Stoutheart! You also get a headstart in the Season Pass!

3x Urclaw, Protector of the Peaks (Legendary card)
20x Frostberry Bearer (Supreme card)
20x Snap Freeze
40x Highland Huntress
40x Woodsman
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
3x Season Pass Tiers

Protect the Peaks with the mighty tribe of Stouthearts! These jovial giants and their furry friends fight hard and party hard! Use Urclaw with the support of Frostberry Bearer to take the heat, while your Woodsman and Highland Huntress bring the pain! Still not enough? Make your enemies chill out with Snap Freeze.

With this DLC, you have the perfect kit to lead your tribe to victory!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in 100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Mountain Song DLC


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