Hunt: Showdown - The Bayou Edition

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  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 01/07/2020

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In this ultimate Hunt: Showdown - The Bayou Edition you will receive the base game, a Season Pass that includes 1500 Blood Bonds to spend on essential in-game equipment, and 14 DLCs! The first 10 DLCs are available immediately whereas; the final 4 DLCs will be available as they are released over the course of the next few months.
- Hunt: Showdown (base game)
- Last Gust ( one weapon)
- Llorona's Heir (one Hunter)
- Legends of the Bayou (two Hunter, two weapons, 500 Blood Bonds)
- The Phantom (one Hunter)
- Louisiana Legcay (two weapon)
- The Rat (one Hunter)
- The Researcher (one Hunter)
- Zhong Kui ( two Hunters, one weapon)
- Fire Fight (two weapons)
- Arcane Archaeologist (one Hunter, one weapon)
- 1000 Blood Bonds
- The first new DLC will include 4 new legendary weapons
- The second new DLC will include one new legendary Hunter and one new weapon
- The third new DLC will include 3 new legendary weapons
- The fourth new DLC will include 4 new legendary weapons

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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