NERF Legends - Ultimate NERF Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/04/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter

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This ultimate bundle comes loaded with all of the NERF DinoSquad pack offerings for one low price PLUS an exclusive blaster only available with this bundle. You will get:

- Tricera-Blast Pack: Includes the NERF DinoSquad Tricera-Blast blaster and suit plus four extra skins each.

- Stego-Smash Pack: Includes the NERF DinoSquad Stego-Smash blaster and suit plus four extra skins each.

- Rex-Rampage Pack: Includes the NERF DinoSquad Rex-Rampage blaster and suit plus four extra skins each.

- EXCLUSIVE! Only available with this Ultimate Bundle -- NERF Mega Accustrike Thunderhawk blaster - this bolt-action blaster is the longest in the entire NERF arsenal!

All of these items can be used in both the single player and multiplayer game modes, and will be found in the customization menu after downloading.

(Source :

NERF Legends - Ultimate NERF Bundle ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in NERF Legends - Ultimate NERF Bundle


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