1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/02/2017
  • Strategy, Simulation

Preis von Halo Wars 2 Season Pass ansehen

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Preis (EUR)


Expand your armies with the Halo Wars 2 Season Pass. The Season Pass adds an additional 7 leaders, that who will change the way you play win the day in Blitz matches, Skirmishes, and online Multiplayer. Each leader offers new units, unique abilities, and additional Blitz Cards to expand your arsenal and give you new tools forchange the way you strategize on the battlefield. Also, you’ll getplay two additional campaign missions in from Operation Spearbreaker, : where you take control of an ODST Squad in a battle against a new threat from Atriox’s Banished forces.

The Halo Wars 2 Season Pass does not include the Awakening the Nightmare Expansion or the base Halo Wars 2 game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Halo Wars 2 Season Pass ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

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