Skyforge: Rocketeer's Riches Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/12/2021

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Take to the skies! Gear up with your very own jetpack, a Hornscute Mount, a robot Companion, and a veritable vault of currencies like Argents, Credits, Marks, Knowledge of Enemies, and Premium time.

This bundle includes:

- Wings of Victory Experimental Transport (Jetpack Mount)
- Brutus (Robotic Companion)
- Hornscute (Animal Mount)
- 6,000 Argents
- 200,000 Credits
- 5,000 Knowledge of Enemies
- 28 Days of Premium Subscription
- 100 Marks of the Sage
- 100 Marks of the Assassin
- 100 Marks of the King
- 100 Marks of the Judge
- 1,000 Units of Pure Matter

A Premium Subscription boosts your rewards for completing missions, and provides other special bonuses.

(Source :

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Skyforge: Rocketeer's Riches Bundle

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Skyforge: Rocketeer's Riches Bundle


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