Skyforge: Winter Collector's Edition Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 22/12/2017

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Play Skyforge for free – Become immortal and repel the invaders!

Take your Skyforge experience to the next level with our Collector's Edition Bundle. Unlock classes, costumes, a companion, an exclusive mount and many useful resources that will help you on your path in Aelion.

This bundle contains:
- Skyforge game
- Warden of the Wastelands Collector's Edition
- Unlocks for the ""Knight"" and ""Alchemist"" classes*
- Exclusive Moa mount
- Exclusive Night Squad costume
- 40,000 Argents
- 30 days of Premium Subscription
- 400,000 Credits
- 10,000 Knowledge of Enemies
- Revenant Collector's Edition
- Revenant Class Unlock*
- Exclusive Revenant Class Costume color variation
- Exclusive Companion
- Fourteen (14) days of Premium Subscription
- 10,000 Argents
- 7,500 Knowledge of Enemies
- 300,000 Credits
- 35,000 points of Premium Rank progress

*Classes can only be unlocked once per account. Even if your account already has these classes unlocked, the remaining content is still valid.

Play Skyforge for free – Become immortal and repel the invaders!

(Source :

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Skyforge: Winter Collector's Edition Bundle

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Skyforge: Winter Collector's Edition Bundle


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