Alone in the Dark - Pre-Order

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 20/03/2024

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Pre-order Alone in the Dark NOW and receive the Derceto 1992 Costume Pack

Psychological Horror meets Southern Gothic in this reimagination of the classic survival horror game, Alone in the Dark

This love letter to the ground-breaking original lets you experience a haunting story through the eyes of one of two protagonists. Play as either Edward Carnby or Emily Hartwood and explore your environments, fight monsters, solve puzzles and uncover the uneasy truth of Derceto Manor…

Deep in the 1920’s south, Emily Hartwood’s uncle has gone missing. Together with private investigator Edward Carnby, she embarks on a journey to Derceto Manor, a home for the mentally ill where something is lurking. You’ll encounter strange residents, nightmarish realms, dangerous monsters and ultimately uncover a plot of rising evil. At the intersection of reality, mystery, and insanity, an adventure waits that will challenge your core beliefs. Who can you trust, what will you believe, and what will you do next?

(Source :

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