DIRT 5 Amplified Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 03/11/2020

Preis von DIRT 5 Amplified Edition ansehen

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MTCGame 52.34 € (EUR)   52.34  



Grab your ticket to a host of incredible DIRT 5 perks and content by pre-ordering the Amplified Edition – and get it all with three days early access! 

On launch, Amplified Edition players have three ready-to-race cars in their garage (Ariel Nomad Tactical, Audi TT Safari, VW Beetle Rallycross), three-player sponsors with fresh objectives, rewards and liveries, and content for features yet to be revealed – all exclusive to Amplified Edition, along with boosts to currency and XP earnings.

After launch, we are committed to developing a massive selection of new show-stopping moments, and new ways to truly Let Loose. Amplified Edition players get access to every single post-launch addition to DIRT 5, including a minimum of 12 new cars, 60 new Career events, new player sponsors with fresh rewards and liveries, and more items for features yet to be revealed…

Grabbing DIRT 5: Amplified Edition from October 2020 ensures you have the keys to everything the boldest, bravest off-road racing game has to offer, and are first in line for everything we create post-launch.

Pre-order DIRT 5 now to receive the Ford F-150 Raptor PreRunner by Deberti Design!

Game leverages Smart Delivery allowing access to both the Xbox One title on 3rd November and the Xbox Series X|S title on 10th November.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach DIRT 5 Amplified Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in DIRT 5 Amplified Edition


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